There’s a scene in 90s movie The Craft where a young lady is full of burn scars and suddenly (through witch craft!) her damaged skin starts to wipe off to reveal perfect, healthy skin. I watched this scene 20+ years ago and it’s just as powerful for me now as it was back then - even more powerful, probably! At the time, I didn’t yet know the feeling of being trapped by your skin.
Right now, I’m lying awake in the middle of the night because my neck is doing that thing where it is so itchy that it burns. What is that sensation called? It’s not just an itch and not just a burning feeling. A burning itch … an itchy burn … whatever it is, I need it to stop.
This flare up has escalated throughout the last 6 months and is now spreading and is angrier than ever. Innocent me (how can I still be eczema innocent?!) thought proudly that I had figured it out last year. Well, it has now gotten my full attention - I’m back at hypotheses and testing.
I long to wipe this flare up off me - tell me what Wiccan spell must I do to make it happen!